Mission and History
Our mission at IFTPA is to promote intercultural friendship, understanding, and interaction through activities in the performing arts. Since our founding in 1992, we have supported traditional musicians and dancers from various cultures by presenting them in concerts, securing performance and educational outreach opportunities for them worldwide, and commissioning new projects from them. Though our board is international in scope, our activities primarily take place in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Twin-City metropolitan area where the majority of the artists we support reside. Board members from other locales serve as advisors and seek opportunities for the artists in their respective areas. IFTPA has presented concerts at Ted Mann Hall, O'Shaughnessy Auditorium, the Loring Theater, the Southern Theater, Walker Art Center, and various local colleges auditoriums. Outside of Minnesota we have presented Minnesota artists is places such as Carnegie Hall, Beijing Concert Hall, and the Harbin Summer Music Festival. We have received funding from the Minnesota State Arts Board, Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, the Jerome Foundation, the Schubert Club, Walker Art Center, the Chinese Heritage Foundation, the Asian Pacific Endowment, the Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation, and private donors.

International Friendship Through the Performing Arts
